About Us
Our Story
Hi! When my children were younger, I found myself lounging around in my pajamas late into the morning. Who am I fooling? I still do! Most sleepwear designs were boring and if they had the right amount of coverage to hang around the house in, they looked like a grandma! (Nothing against grandmas. I’m one now and it’s the best!) Today, my two daughters are grown up and we love working together to create stylish pajamas.
It's time to clean out that pajama drawer. Yes, you can part with those old t-shirts! We invite you to hang out in Emi & Kay Pajamas.
Our Product
We love to feel put together and fashionable. Here at Emi & Kay, we have designed sleepwear that you can do more than just sleep in. We invite you to hang out in them! Just the right coverage, so you don't have to hide when the mailman comes or your kids' friends make an appearance! These pajamas can go from hanging out to going out!
Our sleepwear will inspire you to enjoy each moment of the day.
Stacey Kay, Kristin Kay & Emi